Asthma Injections

Prepare yourself with an injection to help prevent symptoms of Asthma.

Hay Fever Problems and Co-Existing Asthma

We offer private ant-inflammatory injections for asthma that can provide relief for people during the high pollen months of coming Spring and Summer as well as controlling exercise induced asthma and other forms of allergic asthma.

Asthma Injection – how it works?

Injections can be used for allergies such as hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis) and Asthma. The intramuscular injection is normally given into the muscle of the buttock or deltoid to help to suppress the overall inflammation of the airways in the lungs. They have an anti inflammatory mechanism and help suppress levels of histamine and Leukotrines.

The injections are not for any acute treatment and we recommend you seek urgent medical advice for any acute flare up of asthma. 

We also offer injections that may help control allergic Asthma and Exercise Induced asthma. This may be useful prior to summer sporting hobbies such as running or cycling.

We also offer a variety of injections for severe eczema and urticaria, both which are intensely itchy and not always controlled with normal conventional treatments.